



Abstract: The twentieth century is sometimes referred to as “The Century of Physics.” Researchers, studying elementary particle physics, have built accelerators 27 kilometers in circumference at a depth of 100 meters. Japanese researchers have contributed significantly to this “Big Science” through multiple international collaborations, helping explore the most fundamental building blocks of matter. Just as the rice growers must work well as a team to successfully harvest their crop, researchers must too work well in a group in order for their collaborations to harvest success. In his lecture Prof. Maskawa will discuss the distinctive characteristics of Japanese scientists as good team players and how their excellent team work contributes to the success of international research.


10月8日(水)、開場:18:00、開演:19:00 、終了:20:30 [入場無料。要予約]
Oct/8 (Wednesday), Open: 18:00; Start 19:00; End: 20:30 (No entry fee. Reservations required)
住所:〒904-0495 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字谷茶1919-1
OIST Auditorium, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)
Address: 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa; 904-0495


URL (日本語):https://groups.oist.jp/ja/node/7614/
URL(英語): https://groups.oist.jp/cpr/event/japanese-rice-growers-big-science-toshihide-maskawa-nobel-prize-physics-2008 
予約/For Reservations: http://www.oist.jp/reserve